WinMXWorld Archive

A Collection of all the WinMX Apps

 Welcome to the WinMX World Archive.

Ouka is a Japanese programmer who makes programs in Japanese and English.
His 2 ongoing projects are his Chat Server and his Chat Client 2 and both of these are updated regularly with minor fixes and improvements.
Our forum has a thread for all of his programs and many plugins.
You can get more information at this site but be aware it is mostly in Japanese.

Important : When selecting versions for Download from the Archive, please make sure you have the correct langiage version as they come in both Japanese and English as indicated in the file name with a capital "J" or "E".

( Example: Ouka ChatServerJ or Ouka ChatServerE )

Up tree..
Archive home

Subdirectory:   Chat_Client
Subdirectory:   Chat_Client2
Subdirectory:   Chat_Client3
Subdirectory:   Chat_Server
Subdirectory:   Miscellaneous
Subdirectory:   Modified_Items

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